
Founded by Dr. D.L. Jain (BAMS) Director of Pyari Bai Multispeciality Hospital Sanwer. Hospital was founded in 1979 40 yr. ago.


We at pyari bai multispeciality Hospital provide all major Medical and surgical services available 24 hrs a day, 365 days a year.

PMH as centre of excellence is well equipped with state of the art laboratory and Medical equipment.

Our Medical teams comprises of highly qualified consultant, Physician, surgeons, anaesthetist, Medical technician and well trained Nursing staffs


Here is Some of our
Latest Cases

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form.



Our Outstanding Team Is Active To Help You!

Director, BAMS

Dr. D. L. Jain

Ms General & Laparoscopic surgeon

Dr. Abhishek Jain

Ms orthopaedic surgeon

Dr. Sunil Barod

Ms gynec, laparoscopic and infertility specialist

Dr. Vijayta Jain

Best Monitoring System

Advanced Operating Room

Only Best Doctors